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COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Preferred Select Codes, Recommended by SISC

This Standards & Interoperability Steering Committee (SISC) document contains recommendations for eligibility and funding codes for COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Vaccine, as approved by SISC on August 2, 2023.

IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist

The IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist serves as a starting point for staff who are new to an IIS onboarding role and/or are new to interoperability as it relates to immunization messaging

IIS Validation Measures and Tests for Clinical Decision Support

Final IIS Validation measures and tests for Clinical Decision Support developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW) and approved by the AIRA Board as part of the IIS Measurement and Improvement Initiative

Measures and Tests for Assessment - Clinical Decision Support

Final IIS assessment measures and tests related to Clinical Decision Support. Developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW) as part of the IIS measurement and improvement process