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Preliminary Guidance on Reporting Mass Vaccination Event Population Groups and Tiers

The purpose of this preliminary guidance developed by an SISC small workgroup is to assist IIS, EHR vendors, and other stakeholders in preparing for the technical requirements of creating HL7 messages containing population group and tier allocation during the ...

Preparing for Meaningful Use Stage 3: Overview

Preparing your IIS for Meaningful Use Stage 3 and the use of 2015 certified EHR products is a long and complex process, but the judicious use of available tools and resources will help ease the transition. This document aims to outline some of the steps requir...

Promoting Interoperability Incentive Program Readiness Checklist

The readiness checklist for IIS to use to ensure they meet Meaningful Use Stage 3 technical and operational requirements was updated in 2019 to meet “Promoting Interoperability” Incentive Program requirements.

Comparative Analysis of AFIX-IIS Tools

Comparative Analysis of AFIX-IIS Tools

Issued on September 11, 2018 by HLN, CA

National Meeting Presentation | Comparative Analysis of AFIX-IIS Tools

HPV Roundtable Report: Issues with EHR and IIS in HPV Vaccination

National Meeting Presentation | HPV Roundtable Report: Issues with EHR and IIS in HPV Vaccination

From EHR Immunization Requirements to a Validation and Recognition Program

From EHR Immunization Requirements to a Validation and Recognition Program

Issued on April 20, 2017 by CNI Advantage, HIMSS, ICSA Labs

National Meeting Presentation | From EHR Immunization Requirements to a Validation and Recognition Program

From Requirements to Go-Live: The Epic Journey of an IIS Platform Transition

National Meeting Presentation | From Requirements to Go-Live: The Epic Journey of an IIS Platform Transition