Page 1 of 7 | 137 Results

AIRA 2017 Closing Plenary: Global IIS Initiatives

National Meeting Presentation | Closing Plenary

AIRA 2017 Wednesday Afternoon Plenary

AIRA 2017 Wednesday Afternoon Plenary

Issued on April 28, 2017 by AIRA

National Meeting Presentation | Wednesday Afternoon Plenary

AIRA 2017 Tuesday Afternoon Plenary

AIRA 2017 Tuesday Afternoon Plenary

Issued on April 28, 2017 by AIRA

National Meeting Presentation | Tuesday Afternoon Plenary

New Member/First-Time Attendee Orientation

National Meeting Presentation | New Member/First-Time Attendee Orientation

AIRA 2017 Welcome and Opening Plenary

AIRA 2017 Welcome and Opening Plenary

Issued on April 27, 2017 by AIRA

National Meeting Presentation | Welcome and Opening Plenary

Roundtables: Meaningful Use, MIPS & MACRA

National Meeting Presentation | Roundtables: Meaningful Use, MIPS & MACRA

Implementing Health Factors (HALO) in Immunization Forecasting

Implementing Health Factors (HALO) in Immunization Forecasting

Issued on April 27, 2017 by HLN Consulting, LLC, Veterans Health Administration

National Meeting Presentation | Implementing Health Factors (HALO) in Immunization Forecasting

Lessons Learned from Implementing the CDSi Logic

National Meeting Presentation | Lessons Learned from Implementing the CDSi Logic

Clinical Decision Support for Immunizations (CDSi) Comparison: Pilot Study

Clinical Decision Support for Immunizations (CDSi) Comparison: Pilot Study

Issued on April 27, 2017 by University of Michigan

National Meeting Presentation | Clinical Decision Support for Immunizations (CDSi) Comparison: Pilot Study

Statewide Immunization Reminder & Recall Postcards

National Meeting Presentation | Statewide Immunization Reminder & Recall Postcards

Use of a Biannual Customer Service Survey to Improve IIS

National Meeting Presentation | Use of a Biannual Customer Service Survey to Improve IIS

Development and Evaluation of the NJIIS Interoperability Webinar Training

Development and Evaluation of the NJIIS Interoperability Webinar Training

Issued on April 27, 2017 by Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern New Jersey

National Meeting Presentation | Development and Evaluation of the NJIIS Interoperability Webinar Training

Using NIST Tools for Evaluation of Immunization CDS Systems

National Meeting Presentation | Using NIST Tools for Evaluation of Immunization CDS Systems

CDSi Version 3.0: Updates and Enhancements

National Meeting Presentation | CDSi Version 3.0: Updates and Enhancements

The Forest, Not the Trees: Integrating CDSi into the Immunization Landscape

National Meeting Presentation | The Forest, Not the Trees: Integrating CDSi into the Immunization Landscape

Colorado Vaccine Exemptions: Implementation, Insight, and IIS

National Meeting Presentation | Colorado Vaccine Exemptions: Implementation, Insight, and IIS

Impact of Linking an IIS and a School Immunization Compliance Database

National Meeting Presentation | Impact of Linking an IIS and a School Immunization Compliance Database

IIS-IIS Data Exchange: A Nice Idea or New Standard of Practice?

National Meeting Presentation | IIS-IIS Data Exchange: A Nice Idea or New Standard of Practice?

Establishing Data Linkages for Targeted Immunization Data Analyses

Establishing Data Linkages for Targeted Immunization Data Analyses

Issued on April 27, 2017 by CDC, ND, MN, MI, NYC

National Meeting Presentation | Establishing Data Linkages for Targeted Immunization Data Analyses

Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees

Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees

Issued on April 27, 2017 by KY

National Meeting Presentation | Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees