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Leveraging a Multi-State Collaborative for Developing Immunization Information System Enhancements:  An Evolving Model

National Meeting Presentation | Leveraging a Multi-State Collaborative for Developing Immunization Information System Enhancements: An Evolving Model

Automating Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration

Automating Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration

Issued on September 20, 2012 by Atlantic Management Center, Inc.

National Meeting Presentation | Automating Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration

Navigating the Challenges of HL7 Data Exchange:  What They Should Send, What They Could Send, What They Do Send

National Meeting Presentation | Navigating the Challenges of HL7 Data Exchange: What They Should Send, What They Could Send, What They Do Send

Continuing Evolution: California’s Two-pronged Approach to IIS and Interoperability

National Meeting Presentation | Continuing Evolution: California’s Two- pronged Approach to IIS and Interoperability

Uptake of Meningococcal Vaccine in Arizona School Children after Implementation of Immunization Requirements at School Entry

National Meeting Presentation | Uptake of Meningococcal Vaccine in Arizona School Children after Implementation of Immunization Requirements at School Entry

EHR-IIS Interoperability: Progress to Date and Preliminary Outcomes

National Meeting Presentation | EHR-IIS Interoperability: Progress to Date and Preliminary Outcomes

Utilization of CoCASA Extracts from NYSIIS by Local Health Departments

National Meeting Presentation | Utilization of CoCASA Extracts from NYSIIS by Local Health Departments

The Benefits and Challenges of EHR-IIS Real-time Communication

National Meeting Presentation | The Benefits and Challenges of EHR-IIS Real-time Communication

Interoperability Benefits Can Lead to Great Unintended Benefits and Improved Data Quality

National Meeting Presentation | Interoperability Benefits Can Lead to Great Unintended Benefits and Improved Data Quality