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December 2015 Monthly Update

December 2015 Monthly Update

Issued on December 31, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

SnapShots: December 2015

SnapShots: December 2015

Issued on December 15, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA's newsletter about the progress, best practices, and accomplishments of IIS across the country

IIS Customizable Brochure Targeted to Adult Providers

Customizable brochure targeted for adult immunization providers on the benefits of using an IIS

November 2015 Monthly Update

November 2015 Monthly Update

Issued on November 30, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

Analytic Guide for Assessing Vaccination Coverage Using an IIS

This guide describes practical considerations and key decision points in designing a population-based assessment using an IIS

Clinical Decision Support For Immunization (CDSi) 101

Webinar | The Education Steering Committee hosted a webinar to describe CDSi, what it is and what it isn’t, how CDSi is used and CDSi compliance. This webinar was presented by Eric Larson (AIRA and Northup Grumman) and Stuart Myerburg (CDC)

AIRA Discovery Session: 2016 IIS Annual Report

This two-part Discovery Session reviewed the 2016 IIS Annual Report (IISAR)

Beyond Meaningful Use: Structured Data Capture and Other Coming Attractions

Webinar | This webinar on Meaningful Use was presented by Jim Daniel (ONC)

2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

Issued on November 2, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | AIRA collected comments on a draft of the 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory document. To ensure community consensus, AIRA hosted a community-wide meeting to discuss the draft comments and AIRA’s response in November 2015

October 2015 Monthly Update

October 2015 Monthly Update

Issued on October 31, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

Meaningful Use Stage 3 and Certified EHR Technology Rule

Webinar | This webinar featured Jim Daniel with ONC who provided an overview for public health stakeholders on the Meaningful Use Stage 3 and Certified EHR Technology Rules

AIRA Discovery Session: Meaningful Use 101

Webinar | This session featured Jim Daniel from ONC who provided an overview and introduction to Meaningful Use

Guidance for HL7 Acknowledgement Messages to Support Interoperability

Clarification on implementation methods in an effort to point all IIS towards common, standardized ACK messaging

Low Adult Vaccination Rates Pose Health Risk

Issued on September 30, 2015 by UBM Medica Network, LLC

New Article | Announcement for the launch of the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) supported by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

September 2015 Monthly Update

September 2015 Monthly Update

Issued on September 30, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

Effects of Community Health Nurse-Led Intervention on Childhood Routine Immunization Completion in Primary Health Care Centers in Ibadan, Nigeria

Evaluation of the effect of reminder/recall and Primary Health Care Immunization Providers’ Training (PHCIPT) intervention on routine immunization completion among infants in Ibadan, Nigeria

AIRA Interoperability Testing Project Webinar

Webinar | This webinar included an overview of the Interoperability Testing project, along with a review of the detailed analysis report that will be available to each site as a result of participation. A follow-up Q&A webinar was held for participants to ask ...

August 2015 Monthly Update

August 2015 Monthly Update

Issued on August 31, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

AIRA Discovery Session: Pharmacy Participation with IIS

Webinar | This session featured presentations from Oregon, North Carolina and STC on pharmacy participation with IIS

SnapShots: August 2015

SnapShots: August 2015

Issued on August 15, 2015 by AIRA

AIRA's newsletter about the progress, best practices, and accomplishments of IIS across the country