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Schools, Child Care Facilities and IIS

Schools, Child Care Facilities and IIS

Issued on December 28, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Wyoming Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding the relationship between schools and child care facilities and IIS

IIS User Account Management

IIS User Account Management

Issued on December 1, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Immunization Program to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding IIS user account management

Schools & IIS Access

Schools & IIS Access

Issued on October 11, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Wyoming Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding the relationship between schools and child care facilities and IIS

IIS and Health Plans

IIS and Health Plans

Issued on July 20, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Scientific Technologies Corporation to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding health plans querying IIS

How Using Bi-Directional State Registry Data Changes Immunization Rates

Issued on July 19, 2017 by Scientific Technologies Corporation

Article | This study found a 40% increase in additional vaccinations given at the time of flu shots when pharmacists had access to IIS data

Mother/Contact Information Displayed in IIS User Interface

Mother/Contact Information Displayed in IIS User Interface

Issued on June 6, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Vermont Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding displaying a patient's mother's name and/or contact information in patient records

IIS-IIS Data Exchange: A Nice Idea or New Standard of Practice?

National Meeting Presentation | IIS-IIS Data Exchange: A Nice Idea or New Standard of Practice?

Consumer Connections to IIS Records: A Spectrum of Approaches and Results

Consumer Connections to IIS Records: A Spectrum of Approaches and Results

Issued on April 20, 2017 by ONC, CDC, Audacious Inquiry, Caredox Inc., NYC

National Meeting Presentation | Consumer Connections to IIS Records: A Spectrum of Approaches and Results

Written Policies for IIS Data Requests

Written Policies for IIS Data Requests

Issued on April 5, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding written policies for IIS data requests

AIRA Discovery Session: HEDIS & Immunization Quality Measurement

Webinar | This AIRA Discovery Session featured presentations on HEDIS (the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) and discussed the development process for HEDIS measures, as well as the contribution of IIS data to the measurement process

Funding Options to Fulfill Requests for Data

Funding Options to Fulfill Requests for Data

Issued on February 13, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Washington State Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding funding options to fulfill requests for data

Cross-jurisdictional Data Sharing and Immunization Information Systems

Cross-jurisdictional Data Sharing and Immunization Information Systems

Issued on January 19, 2017 by The Network for Public Health Law

This blog discusses how a comprehensive legal framework for cross-jurisdictional data sharing could provide greater impact related to immunizations as well as other areas affecting public health