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AIRA Discovery Session: Partnering with Medicaid to Leverage 90/10 HITECH Funding

Webinar | This AIRA Discovery Session included a presentation from Tina Scott with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Program on partnering with Medicaid and CMS to leverage 90/10 HITECH funding in your jurisdiction.

Statewide Immunization Reminder & Recall Postcards

National Meeting Presentation | Statewide Immunization Reminder & Recall Postcards

Use of a Biannual Customer Service Survey to Improve IIS

National Meeting Presentation | Use of a Biannual Customer Service Survey to Improve IIS

Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees

Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees

Issued on April 27, 2017 by KY

National Meeting Presentation | Leveraging Your IIS to Vaccinate Refugees

Assuring Correctness and Consistency in AFIX-IIS Coverage Implementation

National Meeting Presentation | Assuring Correctness and Consistency in AFIX-IIS Coverage Implementation

Interstate Collaboration on an AFIX-IIS Integration Project

National Meeting Presentation | Interstate Collaboration on an AFIX-IIS Integration Project

AFIX Implementation Improvement Journey: Lessons from Eastern Washington

AFIX Implementation Improvement Journey: Lessons from Eastern Washington

Issued on April 26, 2017 by Spokane Regional Health District

National Meeting Presentation | AFIX Implementation Improvement Journey: Lessons from Eastern Washington

Hands-On with IIS Training Solutions & Workforce Development

Hands-On with IIS Training Solutions & Workforce Development

Issued on April 24, 2017 by CDC, PHII, Intellix Solutions LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Hands-On with IIS Training Solutions & Workforce Development

NDIIS Collaboration with Other Public Health Programs

National Meeting Presentation | NDIIS Collaboration with Other Public Health Programs

IIS and VFC Working Together to Effectively Lean Engineer Enrollment

National Meeting Presentation | IIS and VFC Working Together to Effectively Lean Engineer Enrollment

MN Staffing Model for IIS Integrating Vaccines for Children Functionality

National Meeting Presentation | MN Staffing Model for IIS Integrating Vaccines for Children Functionality