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CDC WSDL Usage and Management

CDC WSDL Usage and Management

Issued on October 13, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request to the membership to survey the IIS community about the CDC WSDL

Frequently Asked Question: Query Responses and Patient Protection

AIRA and CDC staff answer the question: What is the right way to structure a bi-directional response message (RSP^K11) when the query matches to a patient who has requested that their data be protected?"

AIRA Position Statement: Sunset Date for HL7 2.3.1 Interfaces

Document | This position statement is focused on the IIS community moving toward sunsetting HL7 2.3.1 interfaces. This is meant to serve as a tool for IIS working with EHRs to communicate the consensus recommendation on dates by which HL7 2.3.1 interfaces will...

Shared Services: The Benefits of Working Together

National Meeting Presentation | Shared Services: The Benefits of Working Together

HL7 Timeliness and Completeness in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR)

National Meeting Presentation | HL7 Timeliness and Completeness in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR)

What Error? Where’s My ACK?

What Error? Where’s My ACK?

Issued on April 24, 2017 by MI

National Meeting Presentation | What Error? Where’s My ACK?

All We Need to Know We Learned in Kindergarten

National Meeting Presentation | All We Need to Know We Learned in Kindergarten