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IIS Measurement and Improvement Summary

IIS Measurement and Improvement Summary

Issued on December 31, 2019 by AIRA

Summary of the IIS Measurement and Improvement process developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW)

IIS Measurement and Improvement: Testing and Discovery, Assessment and Validation Overview

Overview of the three stages of the IIS Measurement and Improvement process developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW)

SnapShots: December 2019

SnapShots: December 2019

Issued on December 19, 2019 by AIRA

AIRA's newsletter about the progress, best practices, and accomplishments of IIS across the country

AIRA Discovery Session: Business Continuity Planning for IIS Programs

Introduction to the newly released MIROW guide, Business Continuity Planning for Immunization Information Systems Programs

Business Continuity Planning for Immunization Information System Programs

The purpose of this guide is to help IIS programs develop and implement business continuity plans and management systems.

November 2019 Monthly Update

November 2019 Monthly Update

Issued on December 6, 2019 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

IIS Interjurisdictional Exchange Administration & Coordination

This document serves to draw all current interjurisdictional exchange activities together to define a process and goals for administration and coordination among AIRA’s membership

AIRA Discovery Session: Navigating the Procurement Journey

The session covered key points to consider when involved in the procurement process including considerations when updating maintenance and support contractors and when acquiring new systems or services

AIRA Members and Partners Meeting: November 2019

The AIRA Members and Partners bimonthly meeting provides important updates from AIRA and partner organizations. It is a great way to get a high-level overview of the activities going on within the IIS and immunization community.

Updating and Managing Addresses

Updating and Managing Addresses

Issued on November 13, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Vermont Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding updating and managing addresses.

Risk Assessment Surveys

Risk Assessment Surveys

Issued on November 12, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Connecticut Immunization Program to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding risk assessment surveys.

October 2019 Monthly Update

October 2019 Monthly Update

Issued on November 5, 2019 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

NIS-IIS Data Use Agreement

NIS-IIS Data Use Agreement

Issued on October 31, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Minnesota Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding the NIS-IIS Data Use Agreement (DUA).

WIC Program Relations

WIC Program Relations

Issued on October 31, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Minnesota Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding WIC program relations.

AIRA Discovery Session: Patient Status in Immunization Information Systems

This Discovery Session focused on soon-to-be released guidance on Patient Status in IIS

Out-of-State Schools and IIS Access

Out-of-State Schools and IIS Access

Issued on October 21, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the North Dakota Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding out-of-state schools and IIS access.

Using IIS for Text Reminder/Recall

Using IIS for Text Reminder/Recall

Issued on October 21, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the North Dakota Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding using IIS for conducting text reminder/recall.

Digital Opt Out Forms

Digital Opt Out Forms

Issued on October 11, 2019 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Chicago Department of Public Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding digital opt out forms.

Tricks (and Treats) for Promoting an IIS

Webinar hosted by AIRA's Education Steering Committee providing information about the one-sheet resources, a quick explanation of how to add your logo, and ideas for promoting your IIS

AIRA Discovery Session: Importing Legacy Data to Improve IIS Saturation

This session introduced the IIS Data Saturation Guide, a recent AIRA publication focused on current methodologies for the collection of legacy data, as well as data gap monitoring and resolution processes.