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Clinical Decision Support For Immunization (CDSi) 101

Webinar | The Education Steering Committee hosted a webinar to describe CDSi, what it is and what it isn’t, how CDSi is used and CDSi compliance. This webinar was presented by Eric Larson (AIRA and Northup Grumman) and Stuart Myerburg (CDC)

2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

Issued on November 2, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | AIRA collected comments on a draft of the 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory document. To ensure community consensus, AIRA hosted a community-wide meeting to discuss the draft comments and AIRA’s response in November 2015

AIRA Discovery Session: Meaningful Use 101

Webinar | This session featured Jim Daniel from ONC who provided an overview and introduction to Meaningful Use

AIRA Discovery Session: Pharmacy Participation with IIS

Webinar | This session featured presentations from Oregon, North Carolina and STC on pharmacy participation with IIS

AIRA Discovery Session: HL7 Basics

AIRA Discovery Session: HL7 Basics

Issued on July 27, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | This session featured a presentation by Nathan Bunker who presented on HL7 basics

AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Testing

AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Testing

Issued on May 26, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | In this session, a representative from HPE reviewed the User Acceptance Testing process, and a representative from OR shared some state-level experience with setting up systems to track bugs, bug fixes and enhancements

Working Together: Using IIS to Support Immunization Program Goals and Activities

National Meeting Presentation | Working Together: Using IIS to Support Immunization Program Goals and Activities

National Meeting Presentation | Emerging Standards and Best Practices for IIS-Based Vaccination Coverage: - Introduction to Analytic Guide for Assessing Immunization Coverage Using an IIS - AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration - Comparing NIS and IIS Vaccin...

Use of NYC CIR’s HL7 Web Service for Reporting by Adult Providers and Pharmacies

National Meeting Presentation | Use of NYC CIR’s HL7 Web Service for Reporting by Adult Providers and Pharmacies

ONC Interoperability Roadmap

ONC Interoperability Roadmap

Issued on March 3, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | ONC has been working to develop a shared roadmap to interoperability that charts a path to achieve progress in 3, 6 and 10 years. This presentation described ONC’s broad vision and framework to develop a clear pathway towards interoperability

AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Intra-Agency Relationships

Webinar | Representatives from AIRA and Michigan provided an overview about considerations for high-priority intra-agency partnerships and shared experiences in creating partnerships between the IIS and vital records, WIC, Medicaid, newborn screening and other...

IIS Training & Evaluation Programs: 2 State Models

Webinar | This webinar, hosted by the AIRA Education Steering Committee, featured speakers from Texas and Nevada who highlighted different approaches to integrate evaluation features into IIS training. Texas shared their online training and explained the benef...

AIRA Discovery Session: Key Policies for IIS Management

Webinar | Speakers from AIRA and Michigan discussed how to develop and maintain key IIS policies