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AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Intra-Agency Relationships

Webinar | Representatives from AIRA and Michigan provided an overview about considerations for high-priority intra-agency partnerships and shared experiences in creating partnerships between the IIS and vital records, WIC, Medicaid, newborn screening and other...

AFIX-IIS Collaboration

AFIX-IIS Collaboration

Issued on December 2, 2014 by AIRA

Webinar | The Education Steering Committee hosted this webinar and described the collaboration between AIRA, CDC, AIM and the IIS and AFIX communities to develop operational and technical guidance for transitioning to IIS-based assessment reports for AFIX. The...

AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Data Use

AIRA Discovery Session: IIS Data Use

Issued on October 27, 2014 by AIRA

Webinar | Speakers from Wisconsin and Oregon highlighted different ways IIS data can be used by immunization programs and others. Topics included using IIS data to estimate Tdap effectiveness for preventing pertussis and to assess teen vaccination rates

IIS Training & Evaluation Programs: 2 State Models

Webinar | This webinar, hosted by the AIRA Education Steering Committee, featured speakers from Texas and Nevada who highlighted different approaches to integrate evaluation features into IIS training. Texas shared their online training and explained the benef...

AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration

AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration

Issued on September 15, 2014 by AIRA

Presentation | High level summary of the AFIX-IIS Integration Project presented at the 2014 National Immunization Conference

IIS Inventory Management

IIS Inventory Management

Issued on August 11, 2014 by AIRA

Webinar | This webinar, hosted by the AIRA Education Steering Committee, was geared toward IIS managers and staff to learn tips for increasing inventory data quality, decrementing on-hand inventory with EHR data, reconciling inventory, and documenting returns ...

Evaluation of MIROW Guidelines Impact on IIS Operations

Evaluation of MIROW Guidelines Impact on IIS Operations

Issued on July 31, 2014 by Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit, University of Michigan

This evaluation presentation describe how MIROW best practices are being implemented across the country and the impact 3 of the MIROW guidelines have had on IIS operations

IIS Data Quality

IIS Data Quality

Issued on July 28, 2014 by AIRA

Webinar | This session discussed why data quality is important, ways data enters systems, ensuring data quality and developing an ongoing data quality plan for the IIS

Webinar | This webinar was hosted by the AIRA Education Steering Committee. Speakers from North Dakota and Nebraska discussed IIS data quality and interoperability

AIRA Discovery Session: Key Policies for IIS Management

Webinar | Speakers from AIRA and Michigan discussed how to develop and maintain key IIS policies

Release 1.5, HL7 Version 2.5.1: Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging

Webinar | This two-part webinar series was hosted by the AIRA Education Steering Committee and features Rob Savage, who discusses technical guidance on query and response

Helathcare Information and Management Systems (HIMSS) 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition Presentation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to demonstrate NIST tooling that supports Meaningful Use testing

Presentation | HIMSS14 Conference presentation in conjunction with HL7 International

AIRA Discovery Session: Meaningful Use Primer

Webinar | An overview of Meaningful Use from the Public Health Coordinator for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

AIRA Discovery Session: What is AIRA?

AIRA Discovery Session: What is AIRA?

Issued on January 28, 2014 by AIRA

Webinar | This session focused on AIRA, how the organization supports IIS and public health and what AIRA can do for you