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Health Level Seven (HL7) is a nationally recognized standard for electronic data exchange between systems housing health care data. The HL7 standard is a key factor that supports this two-way exchange of information because it defines a syntax or grammar for f...

AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration

AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration

Issued on September 15, 2014 by AIRA

Presentation | High level summary of the AFIX-IIS Integration Project presented at the 2014 National Immunization Conference

Evaluation of MIROW Guidelines Impact on IIS Operations

Evaluation of MIROW Guidelines Impact on IIS Operations

Issued on July 31, 2014 by Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit, University of Michigan

This evaluation presentation describe how MIROW best practices are being implemented across the country and the impact 3 of the MIROW guidelines have had on IIS operations