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Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Issued on April 21, 2015 by Envision Technology Partners

National Meeting Presentation | Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Improving EHR Function and Usability for Immunization

Improving EHR Function and Usability for Immunization

Issued on April 21, 2015 by CNI Advantage, CDC

National Meeting Presentation | Improving EHR Function and Usability for Immunization

Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Issued on April 21, 2015 by HLN Consulting, LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Interoperability with the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR): Progress to Date

National Meeting Presentation | Electronic Health Record (EHR) Interoperability with the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR): Progress to Date

Electronic Medical Record – IIS Interoperability: Balancing Provider Recruitment with Data Quality Needs

National Meeting Presentation | Electronic Medical Record – IIS Interoperability: Balancing Provider Recruitment with Data Quality Needs

2013 Interoperability Status Check Project Report

This report reviews the IIS Interoperability Status Check project, designed to connect with IIS across the US, submit sample MU Stage 2 messages, and verify that the messages can be accepted