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Identifying Immunization Pockets of Need – Small Area Analysis of IIS Data to Detect Undervaccinated Populations

This document explores how to use small area analysis to find pockets of need and provides strategies for responding to pockets of need

IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

National Meeting Presentation | IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

Comparing IIS to NIS Coverage Assessments: A Cautionary Tale

National Meeting Presentation | Comparing IIS to NIS Coverage Assessments: A Cautionary Tale

Cost Savings of Using an IIS to Assess Immunity Status During an Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Cost Savings of Using an IIS to Assess Immunity Status During an Outbreak

Recent Developments with the National Immunization Survey-Child

National Meeting Presentation | Recent Developments with the National Immunization Survey-Child

Utilizing Adult Data in Michigan’s Immunization Registry to Monitor a Hepatitis A Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Utilizing Adult Data in Michigan’s Immunization Registry to Monitor a Hepatitis A Outbreak

Geographic Distribution of HPV Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents in North Dakota

National Meeting Presentation | Geographic distribution of HPV Vaccination Coverage among Adolescents in North Dakota

Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine: A First Look at Uptake and Coverage

National Meeting Presentation | Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine: A First Look at Uptake and Coverage

Assessing Ongoing Monthly Reminder/Recall - Who + Where + Why + Outcome

National Meeting Presentation | Assessing Ongoing Monthly Reminder/Recall - Who + Where + Why + Outcome

Improving the National Immunization Surveys (NIS)-IIS Match Reports

National Meeting Presentation | Improving the National Immunization Surveys (NIS)-IIS Match Reports

Preparing for Vaccination Coverage Assessments: A VFC Provider's Guide to Success

This document provides guidance for immunization provider sites, and provides best practice recommendations on how to best utilize IIS reports to improve data quality prior to running a vaccination coverage rate assessment.

Analytic Guide for Assessing Vaccination Coverage Using an IIS

This guide describes practical considerations and key decision points in designing a population-based assessment using an IIS

Strategies for Using an IIS to Address Adult Immunization Disparities

National Meeting Presentation | Strategies for Using an IIS to Address Adult Immunization Disparities

Using IIS Data to Improve Assessment of Eligibility for Vaccines for Underinsured Children

National Meeting Presentation | Using IIS Data to Improve Assessment of Eligibility for Vaccines for Underinsured Children

National Meeting Presentation | Emerging Standards and Best Practices for IIS-Based Vaccination Coverage: - Introduction to Analytic Guide for Assessing Immunization Coverage Using an IIS - AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration - Comparing NIS and IIS Vaccin...

Coverage Rates in NYS: Impact of Programmatic Activities and Policies on 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 Rates

National Meeting Presentation | Coverage Rates in NYS: Impact of Programmatic Activities and Policies on 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 Rates

Using an IIS to Estimate Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness During a Pertussis Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Using an IIS to Estimate Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness During a Pertussis Outbreak

Utah: Identifying Target Population for Adult Immunization Improvement Project by Using USIIS Data

National Meeting Presentation | AIRA Centers of Excellence Award Finalist: Utah, Identifying Target Population for Adult Immunization Improvement Project by Using USIIS Data

Evaluating the Completeness and Accuracy of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry

National Meeting Presentation | Evaluating the Completeness and Accuracy of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry

Immunization Registry Data for Community Vaccine Up-to-Date Status and its Correlation with Disease

National Meeting Presentation | Immunization Registry Data for Community Vaccine Up-to-Date Status and its Correlation with Disease