Page 1 of 6 | 116 Results

Importing Immunization Data from a Veterans Hospital

Importing Immunization Data from a Veterans Hospital

Issued on December 6, 2018 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Vermont Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding importing immunization data from a veterans hospital

IIS-EHR Interoperability Common Areas of Variability Based on Jurisdictional Law/Policy

Common areas of variability for IIS-EHR interoperability based on jurisdictional law and policy

IIS Data Quality Practices - To Monitor and Evaluate Data at Rest

The purpose of the guide is to provide practical guidance on techniques, methodologies, and processes for IIS to use in assessing the quality of data at rest. This data includes demographic and immunization record information that is currently in the live, pro...

Onboarding Consensus-Based Recommendations

Onboarding Consensus-Based Recommendations

Issued on November 15, 2018 by AIRA

The purpose of this AIRA guide is to improve and standardize onboarding. This document is intended for both technical and programmatic staff that make up IIS onboarding teams and program administrators responsible for the allocation of onboarding resources. EH...

IIS Reintegration of Cleansed Addresses and Geocodes

This document builds upon the previous implementation guide and provides a more in-depth exploration of address cleansing for IIS programs. The document also provides guidance for reintegrating validated and standardized addresses and geocodes back into IIS

MQE Project Tools and Documents

MQE Project Tools and Documents

Issued on September 30, 2018 by AIRA

Tools and documents to support the Message Quality Evaluation (MQE) Tool

Identifying Immunization Pockets of Need – Small Area Analysis of IIS Data to Detect Undervaccinated Populations

This document explores how to use small area analysis to find pockets of need and provides strategies for responding to pockets of need

A Global Health Perspective: IIS and the Global Opportunity

A Global Health Perspective: IIS and the Global Opportunity

Issued on September 20, 2018 by The Task Force for Global Health

National Meeting Presentation | A Global Health Perspective: IIS and the Global Opportunity

Better Immunization Data Initiative

Better Immunization Data Initiative

Issued on September 20, 2018 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

National Meeting Presentation | Better Immunization Data Initiative

Communicating Vaccinations to Public Health Using Mobile Apps 

Communicating Vaccinations to Public Health Using Mobile Apps 

Issued on September 19, 2018 by Ottowa Hospital Research Institute

National Meeting Presentation | Communicating Vaccinations to Public Health Using Mobile Apps 

Use of an IIS to Improve the Efficiency of Immunization Certificate Check

Use of an IIS to Improve the Efficiency of Immunization Certificate Check

Issued on September 19, 2018 by Suzhou CDC, Jiangsu, China

National Meeting Presentation | Use of an IIS to Improve the Efficiency of Immunization Certificate Check

The Citizen-Centered Smart Vaccination Record of

The Citizen-Centered Smart Vaccination Record of

Issued on September 18, 2018 by Groupe d’études en préventologie

National Meeting Presentation | The Citizen-Centered Smart Vaccination Record of

IIS Beyond Immunizations - Nebraska’s Parkinson’s Disease Registry and NESIIS

National Meeting Presentation | Nebraska’s Parkinson’s Disease Registry and NESIIS

IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

National Meeting Presentation | IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

Leveraging Immunization Information Data to Improve Lead Screening Rates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

National Meeting Presentation | Leveraging Immunization Information Data to Improve Lead Screening Rates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Leveraging Pharmacy Partnerships to Improve Oregon's Immunization Rates

National Meeting Presentation | Leveraging Pharmacy Partnerships to Improve Oregon's Immunization Rates

Project IMPACT Immunizations: IMProving America’s Communities Together

Project IMPACT Immunizations: IMProving America’s Communities Together

Issued on September 17, 2018 by American Pharmacists Association Foundation

National Meeting Presentation | Project IMPACT Immunizations: IMProving America’s Communities Together

The Interjurisdictional Hub Project

The Interjurisdictional Hub Project

Issued on September 17, 2018 by Office of the Chief Technology Officer

National Meeting Presentation | The Interjurisdictional Hub Project

The Landscape of Interjurisdictional Exchange

National Meeting Presentation | The Landscape of Interjurisdictional Exchange

The Legal Landscape of Interjurisdictional Exchange

The Legal Landscape of Interjurisdictional Exchange

Issued on September 17, 2018 by The Network for Public Health Law

National Meeting Presentation | The Legal Landscape of Interjurisdictional Exchange