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SmartyStreets Frequently Asked Questions

The SmartyStreets FAQ provides guidance on some of the basics of SmartyStreets and available resources to help implement SmartyStreets.

Analytic Guide for Assessing Vaccination Coverage Using an IIS

This guide describes practical considerations and key decision points in designing a population-based assessment using an IIS

Effects of Community Health Nurse-Led Intervention on Childhood Routine Immunization Completion in Primary Health Care Centers in Ibadan, Nigeria

Evaluation of the effect of reminder/recall and Primary Health Care Immunization Providers’ Training (PHCIPT) intervention on routine immunization completion among infants in Ibadan, Nigeria

Strategies for Using an IIS to Address Adult Immunization Disparities

National Meeting Presentation | Strategies for Using an IIS to Address Adult Immunization Disparities

Using IIS Data to Improve Assessment of Eligibility for Vaccines for Underinsured Children

National Meeting Presentation | Using IIS Data to Improve Assessment of Eligibility for Vaccines for Underinsured Children

National Meeting Presentation | Emerging Standards and Best Practices for IIS-Based Vaccination Coverage: - Introduction to Analytic Guide for Assessing Immunization Coverage Using an IIS - AFIX-IIS Coverage Report Integration - Comparing NIS and IIS Vaccin...

Coverage Rates in NYS: Impact of Programmatic Activities and Policies on 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 Rates

National Meeting Presentation | Coverage Rates in NYS: Impact of Programmatic Activities and Policies on 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 Rates

Using an IIS to Estimate Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness During a Pertussis Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Using an IIS to Estimate Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness During a Pertussis Outbreak

Using Address Checking Services to Facilitate Reminder and Recall in Minnesota

National Meeting Presentation | Using Address Checking Services to Facilitate Reminder and Recall in Minnesota

Conducting State-Wide Recall Using the NDIIS: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned

National Meeting Presentation | Conducting State-Wide Recall Using the NDIIS: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned

Utah: Identifying Target Population for Adult Immunization Improvement Project by Using USIIS Data

National Meeting Presentation | AIRA Centers of Excellence Award Finalist: Utah, Identifying Target Population for Adult Immunization Improvement Project by Using USIIS Data

Evaluating the Completeness and Accuracy of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry

National Meeting Presentation | Evaluating the Completeness and Accuracy of the Wisconsin Immunization Registry

Immunization Registry Data for Community Vaccine Up-to-Date Status and its Correlation with Disease

National Meeting Presentation | Immunization Registry Data for Community Vaccine Up-to-Date Status and its Correlation with Disease

Strategies to Reduce Vaccine Wastage in a State with a Vaccine Distribution Depot

Strategies to Reduce Vaccine Wastage in a State with a Vaccine Distribution Depot

Issued on April 21, 2015 by AK, Scientific Technologies Corporation

National Meeting Presentation | Strategies to Reduce Vaccine Wastage in a State with a Vaccine Distribution Depot

Using IIS Doses Administered Data to Predict Future Vaccine Funding Needs

National Meeting Presentation | Using IIS Doses Administered Data to Predict Future Vaccine Funding Needs

Saving Vaccine Costs by Using IIS Data for Vaccine Ordering Recommendations in NYC, 2013-2014

National Meeting Presentation | Saving Vaccine Costs by Using IIS Data for Vaccine Ordering Recommendations in NYC, 2013-2014