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Integrating a Meaningful Use Coordination Solution into the Rollout of the Massachusetts IIS

Integrating a Meaningful Use Coordination Solution into the Rollout of the Massachusetts IIS

Issued on April 23, 2015 by MA, Atlantic Management Center, Inc.

National Meeting Presentation | Integrating a Meaningful Use Coordination Solution into the Rollout of the Massachusetts IIS

Best Practices for the Provider On-boarding Process

Best Practices for the Provider On-boarding Process

Issued on April 23, 2015 by Scientific Technologies Corporation, WA

National Meeting Presentation | Best Practices for the Provider On-boarding Process

Tracking Meaningful Use and Data Exchange Projects: A SharePoint Success Story

National Meeting Presentation | Tracking Meaningful Use and Data Exchange Projects: A SharePoint Success Story

Impact of PPHF Funding on HL7 Message Quality in VT

National Meeting Presentation | Impact of PPHF Funding on HL7 Message Quality in VT

Raising the Bar on HL7 Data Quality

Raising the Bar on HL7 Data Quality

Issued on April 22, 2015 by DE

National Meeting Presentation | Raising the Bar on HL7 Data Quality

Health Level 7 Web Service Search Success Rates in New York City’s Citywide Immunization Registry

National Meeting Presentation | Health Level 7 Web Service Search Success Rates in New York City’s Citywide Immunization Registry

California’s Immunization Gateway Portal: Fulfilling Business Needs by Simplifying Interoperability

National Meeting Presentation | California’s Immunization Gateway Portal: Fulfilling Business Needs by Simplifying Interoperability

Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: What It Means for IIS

Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: What It Means for IIS

Issued on April 22, 2015 by ONC, HLN Consulting, LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap: What It Means for IIS

Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Issued on April 21, 2015 by Envision Technology Partners

National Meeting Presentation | Challenges with (and a Few Solutions to) the Increased Dependency on HL7

Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Issued on April 21, 2015 by HLN Consulting, LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Options for IIS and EHR Feature Overlap

Using IGAMT–Lite to Create A Local HL7 V2.5.1 Message Profile

National Meeting Presentation | Using IGAMT–Lite to Create A Local HL7 V2.5.1 Message Profile

The Public Health Community Platform: A Community Resource for Shared Solutions

National Meeting Presentation | The Public Health Community Platform: A Community Resource for Shared Solutions

National Meeting Presentation | Towards a National IIS Strategy: Options for Developing a National IIS Architecture

Using Automated Solutions to Effectively Manage Stage 2 Meaningful Use Challenges

Using Automated Solutions to Effectively Manage Stage 2 Meaningful Use Challenges

Issued on April 21, 2015 by Atlantic Management Center, Inc.

National Meeting Presentation | Using Automated Solutions to Effectively Manage Stage 2 Meaningful Use Challenges

IIS Regions and the State: Partnering to Implement HL7 Onboarding in Michigan

National Meeting Presentation | IIS Regions and the State: Partnering to Implement HL7 Onboarding in Michigan

A review of the relevant assessment and certification models in use across public health and health care

Summary of roundtable discussion about IIS assessment and certification

Consolidated comments AIRA supplied on Connecting Health and Care for the Nation: A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Draft Version 1.0