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2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

2016 Standards Advisory Community Webinar

Issued on November 2, 2015 by AIRA

Webinar | AIRA collected comments on a draft of the 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory document. To ensure community consensus, AIRA hosted a community-wide meeting to discuss the draft comments and AIRA’s response in November 2015

Meaningful Use Stage 3 and CEHRT Draft Rules

Webinar | This community-wide meeting discussed comments on the following proposed rules: • ONC rule on 2015 Edition Health Information Technology Certification Criteria • CMS rule on EHR Incentive Program • CMS rule on EHR Incentive Program- Modifi...

Meaningful Use Stage 3 Rules Overview with ONC

Webinar | Jim Daniel with ONC provided the IIS community an overview of the Meaningful Use Stage 3 draft rules