Page 1 of 1 | 6 Results

The IISSB-issued CDSi project captures the ACIP recommendations and provides uniform representation of vaccine decision guidelines

AFIX Coverage Service: Pre-Calculating Statistics to Support New and Future AFIX Guidance and Improve Report Performance

National Meeting Presentation | AFIX Coverage Service: Pre-Calculating Statistics to Support New and Future AFIX Guidance and Improve Report Performance

Approaches to Increasing Reporting of Adult Immunizations in the NDIIS

National Meeting Presentation | Approaches to Increasing Reporting of Adult Immunizations in the NDIIS

The AFIX-IIS Integration Project

The AFIX-IIS Integration Project

Issued on April 5, 2016 by CDC, WA, Scientific Technologies Corporation

National Meeting Presentation | The AFIX-IIS Integration Project

Expanding IIS Assessment Capabilities: A New Adolescent and Re-Designed Child Reports

National Meeting Presentation | Expanding IIS Assessment Capabilities: A New Adolescent and Re-Designed Child Reports

Implementation of IIS Support for AFIX Assessments

National Meeting Presentation | Implementation of IIS Support for AFIX Assessments