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AIRA Discovery Session: AART

AIRA Discovery Session: AART

Issued on August 1, 2016 by AIRA

Webinar | This session focused on AART, or the Aggregate Analysis Reporting Tool. AART will be the tool used for IIS Managers/Leads to indicate their participation in IIS assessment and share results of IIS assessment measures

AART Q&A Sessions

AART Q&A Sessions

Issued on May 3, 2016 by AIRA

Webinar | These Q&A sessions were open to anyone in the IIS community to ask any questions or hear about what others are finding useful about the AART tool

Communicating and Training IIS Users: Washington’s Story

National Meeting Presentation | Communicating and Training IIS Users: Washington’s Story

Introduction to the Analytic Guide for Assessing Vaccination Coverage Using an IIS

Webinar | An in-depth introduction to the Analytic Guide for Assessing Vaccination Coverage Using an IIS, including the process of developing the Analytic Guide and the elements of coverage assessment