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Schools, Child Care Facilities and IIS

Schools, Child Care Facilities and IIS

Issued on December 28, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Wyoming Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding the relationship between schools and child care facilities and IIS

SnapShots: December 2017

SnapShots: December 2017

Issued on December 18, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA's newsletter about the progress, best practices, and accomplishments of IIS across the country

November 2017 Monthly Update

November 2017 Monthly Update

Issued on December 5, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

IIS User Account Management

IIS User Account Management

Issued on December 1, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Immunization Program to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding IIS user account management

Progress, Successes: IIS Measurement and Improvement

This document highlights the progress and successes of IIS found through an independent, third party method of IIS evaluation, where AIRA partnered with the National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST) and the Measurement for Assessment and Certificati...

October 2017 Monthly Update

October 2017 Monthly Update

Issued on November 2, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

CDC WSDL Usage and Management

CDC WSDL Usage and Management

Issued on October 13, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request to the membership to survey the IIS community about the CDC WSDL

Schools & IIS Access

Schools & IIS Access

Issued on October 11, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Wyoming Department of Health to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding the relationship between schools and child care facilities and IIS

Accessing Records from IIS Jurisdictions Affected by 2017 Hurricanes

To expedite access to immunization records on individuals displaced by recent hurricanes, AIRA compiled information on out-of-jurisdiction record access from Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas and the Virgin Islands

Accepting Insurance Data

Accepting Insurance Data

Issued on October 2, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding accepting insurance data

IIS Data Quality Practices - Monitoring and Evaluating Data Submissions

This resource for the IIS community focuses on the ongoing data monitoring and evaluation process for incoming data submissions

AIRA 2017 Education Survey Summary Report

AIRA 2017 Education Survey Summary Report

Issued on September 7, 2017 by AIRA

In early 2017, the AIRA Education Steering Committee assessed the educational needs of the IIS community. This report includes an analysis of the results, which will be used to guide the development of new resources and educational opportunities

August 2017 Monthly Update

August 2017 Monthly Update

Issued on August 30, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

SnapShots: August 2017

SnapShots: August 2017

Issued on August 28, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA's newsletter about the progress, best practices, and accomplishments of IIS across the country

Comparing and Communicating Vaccination Coverage Estimates from IIS, NIS, and Related Assessments

This guide provides practical tips that can be used to help explain vaccination coverage assessment results to decision makers, such as senior public health leadership, legislators, and the media

Consumer Access

Consumer Access

Issued on August 23, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Minnesota Department of Health Immunization Program to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding consumer access

Consolidating Demographic Records and Vaccination Event Records

MIROW | Full Guide and Mini-Guide

July 2017 Monthly Update

July 2017 Monthly Update

Issued on August 2, 2017 by AIRA

AIRA’s monthly recap to inform the IIS community about the latest happenings and activities within AIRA

Evaluation of the Impact of an Innovative Immunization Practice Model Designed to Improve Population Health: Results of the Project IMPACT Immunizations Pilot

Article | This study evaluates the impact of using IIS data to identify unmet vaccination needs in adults seeking the influenza vaccine. The study found a 41.4% increase in the number of vaccines administered, and significant improvements in routinely recomme...

IIS and Health Plans

IIS and Health Plans

Issued on July 20, 2017 by AIRA

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AIRA sent out an Information Request from the Scientific Technologies Corporation to the membership to gather the collective expertise of the IIS community regarding health plans querying IIS