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AIRA Discovery Session: The 2020 IIS Annual Report (IISAR)

AIRA Discovery Session: The 2020 IIS Annual Report (IISAR)

Issued on November 30, 2020 by AIRA, CDC

Discovery Session reviewing the 2020 IIS Annual Report (IISAR)

COVID-19 Vaccination Response Planning

COVID-19 Vaccination Response Planning

Issued on October 27, 2020 by AIRA

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Webinar covering current response planning information and presentations from jurisdictions

AIRA Discovery Session: COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness

AIRA Discovery Session: COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness

Issued on October 26, 2020 by AIRA, CDC

Webinar focused on COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness - An Overview of CDC’s COVID-19 Preparedness Report and AIRA’s Measurement and Improvement COVID-19 Standards Alignment Report

AIRA Members and Partners Meeting: October 2020

The AIRA Members and Partners quarterly meeting provides important updates from AIRA and partner organizations. It is a great way to get a high-level overview of the activities going on within the IIS and immunization community.

Measurement & Improvement - AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about IIS community success, data at rest pilots, and Measurement and Improvement (M&I) 2020 Validation recognition If you are interested in listening to a recording of this webinar, please email info@imm...

Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives

Issued on September 15, 2020 by AIRA, Path, IRD Global, University of Chile

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about how electronic immunization registries are used all over the globe to track and improve immunization rates worldwide

IIS Operations

IIS Operations

Issued on September 8, 2020 by AIRA, MN, HLN, CDC, PHII

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about IIS operations and security

Working with End Users

Working with End Users

Issued on September 1, 2020 by AIRA, CO, MN

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about on bolstering the IIS end user experience

Data Use

Data Use

Issued on August 25, 2020 by AIRA, U of MI, CO, NASHP, Discern Health

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about using IIS data to improve immunization rates and public health

Data Quality

Data Quality

Issued on August 18, 2020 by AIRA, CT, ND, OR

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about several data quality initiatives throughout the IIS community

The Immunization Gateway Portfolio

The Immunization Gateway Portfolio

Issued on August 11, 2020 by AIRA, CDC, CTO, Audacious Inquiry

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: Learn about how the IZ Gateway project is being used in pandemic response

Smarty Address Cleansing and Geocoding Orientation

An orientation session designed to help IIS get started with Smarty

CDC Panel Discussion: Advancing IIS Together

CDC Panel Discussion: Advancing IIS Together

Issued on August 4, 2020 by AIRA, CDC

Select AIRA 2020 National Meeting Presentations: CDC leadership shares their vision for advancing IIS together, with Q&A after the panel discussion

AIRA Discovery Session: Data Analytics

A Discovery Session webinar focusing on how data analytics can help IIS prepare for the challenges ahead such as a COVID vaccine, expanded flu season and catchup of routine immunizations

AART User Group Mini-Series

AART User Group Mini-Series

Issued on July 22, 2020 by AIRA

Mini-series to promote and support the use of AART as a means for IIS to more quickly and efficiently align with national standards and priorities.

AIRA Members and Partners Meeting: July 2020

The AIRA Members and Partners quarterly meeting provides important updates from AIRA and partner organizations. It is a great way to get a high-level overview of the activities going on within the IIS and immunization community.

Immunization in the Time of COVID

Immunization in the Time of COVID

Issued on July 13, 2020 by AIRA, AIM

AIRA-AIM joint Education Steering Committee webinar regarding supporting high levels of immunization coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic

AIRA Town Hall: Proposed Submission & Acknowledgment Validation Update

Webinar | The Measurement for Assessment and Certification Advisory Workgroup (MACAW) held a community wide town hall meeting to discuss Acknowledgment (ACK) Processing Rules and Proposed 2021 Submission & Acknowledgment Validation including NDC Measures 15 an...

AIRA Discovery Session: Monitor Data Quality by Provider with the Data at Rest (DAR) Tool - A Pilot Update

A Discovery Session webinar focusing on the Data at Rest (DAR) pilot project and the data quality tools available to IIS to monitor data quality by provider

AIRA Discovery Session: Vaccine Code Sets – A Community Update

Webinar highlighting a new resource, Vaccine Code Set Considerations: If Only It Were Rocket Science