Page 1 of 2 | 30 Results

AFIX Coverage Service: Pre-Calculating Statistics to Support New and Future AFIX Guidance and Improve Report Performance

National Meeting Presentation | AFIX Coverage Service: Pre-Calculating Statistics to Support New and Future AFIX Guidance and Improve Report Performance

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act  (FERPA): Its Impact on Data Sharing by Schools

National Meeting Presentation | The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Its Impact on Data Sharing by Schools

Using NIST Tools to Advance Interoperability for Immunization Messaging Implementations

National Meeting Presentation | Using NIST Tools to Advance Interoperability for Immunization Messaging Implementations

Something Old, New, Measured and Blue: Current Uses and Future Plans for the Functional Standards

National Meeting Presentation | Something Old, New, Measured and Blue: Current Uses and Future Plans for the Functional Standards

New and Existing Acquisition Mechanisms to Support IIS Strategic Initiatives

National Meeting Presentation | New and Existing Acquisition Mechanisms to Support IIS Strategic Initiatives

Improving Immunization Data Exchange Interface in Wisconsin

National Meeting Presentation | Improving Immunization Data Exchange Interface in Wisconsin

Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in an Evaluation of HL7 Message Data Quality

National Meeting Presentation | Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in an Evaluation of HL7 Message Data Quality

Development of an Approach to Evaluate HL7 Message Success Across Multi-Level Pathways

Development of an Approach to Evaluate HL7 Message Success Across Multi-Level Pathways

Issued on April 6, 2016 by University of Michigan, Rob Savage LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Development of an Approach to Evaluate HL7 Message Success Across Multi-Level Pathways

Approaches to Increasing Reporting of Adult Immunizations in the NDIIS

National Meeting Presentation | Approaches to Increasing Reporting of Adult Immunizations in the NDIIS

Clinical Decision Support for Immunization: Overview of New Resources and Future Directions

National Meeting Presentation | Clinical Decision Support for Immunization: Overview of New Resources and Future Directions

Progress Update on Automating VTrckS ExIS Data Exchange and the ExIS Usability Best Practices Catalog

National Meeting Presentation | Progress Update on Automating VTrckS ExIS Data Exchange and the ExIS Usability Best Practices Catalog

The Quest for the Best: Establishing a Data Quality Protocol and Tools for Incoming Data

National Meeting Presentation | The Quest for the Best: Establishing a Data Quality Protocol and Tools for Incoming Data

No Pain, No Gain: Using Quality Improvement Processes to Improve Program Efficiency

National Meeting Presentation | No Pain, No Gain: Using Quality Improvement Processes to Improve Program Efficiency

A Tale of Two Collaborators: The IIS Sentinel Site Project and CDC

National Meeting Presentation | A Tale of Two Collaborators: The IIS Sentinel Site Project and CDC

Challenges of Having a Huge Volume of Marginal Data and Strategies to Create a Win-Win Situation

National Meeting Presentation | Challenges of Having a Huge Volume of Marginal Data and Strategies to Create a Win-Win Situation

Wisconsin Immunization Registry Meaningful Use Onboarding Processes and Best Practices

National Meeting Presentation | Wisconsin Immunization Registry Meaningful Use Onboarding Processes and Best Practices

Putting Best Practices to Work: Colorado’s Experience with IIS-Based Centralized Reminder/Recall

National Meeting Presentation | Putting Best Practices to Work: Colorado’s Experience with IIS-Based Centralized Reminder/Recall

Evaluating IIS Address Data Quality Following HL7 Implementation by a Retail Pharmacy Chain

National Meeting Presentation | Evaluating IIS Address Data Quality following HL7 Implementation by a Retail Pharmacy Chain

Comparing IIS and Vaccine Tracking System (VTrckS) Data to Improve IIS Data Quality

National Meeting Presentation | Comparing IIS and Vaccine Tracking System (VTrckS) Data to Improve IIS Data Quality

IIS Interoperability With Unconventional Systems

National Meeting Presentation | IIS Interoperability With Unconventional Systems