Page 1 of 1 | 9 Results

IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

National Meeting Presentation | IIS Data Use in Low-Resource Settings: Assessment, Outbreak Response, and Evaluation

Comparing IIS to NIS Coverage Assessments: A Cautionary Tale

National Meeting Presentation | Comparing IIS to NIS Coverage Assessments: A Cautionary Tale

Cost Savings of Using an IIS to Assess Immunity Status During an Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Cost Savings of Using an IIS to Assess Immunity Status During an Outbreak

Recent Developments with the National Immunization Survey-Child

National Meeting Presentation | Recent Developments with the National Immunization Survey-Child

Utilizing Adult Data in Michigan’s Immunization Registry to Monitor a Hepatitis A Outbreak

National Meeting Presentation | Utilizing Adult Data in Michigan’s Immunization Registry to Monitor a Hepatitis A Outbreak

Geographic Distribution of HPV Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents in North Dakota

National Meeting Presentation | Geographic distribution of HPV Vaccination Coverage among Adolescents in North Dakota

Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine: A First Look at Uptake and Coverage

National Meeting Presentation | Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine: A First Look at Uptake and Coverage

Assessing Ongoing Monthly Reminder/Recall - Who + Where + Why + Outcome

National Meeting Presentation | Assessing Ongoing Monthly Reminder/Recall - Who + Where + Why + Outcome

Improving the National Immunization Surveys (NIS)-IIS Match Reports

National Meeting Presentation | Improving the National Immunization Surveys (NIS)-IIS Match Reports