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AIRA Discovery Session/Town Hall: Data at Rest (DAR) Assessment

This AIRA Discovery Session/ Town Hall discusses the proposal to move Data at Rest (DAR) into the next stage of the Measurement & Improvement (M&I) Initiative. AIRA staff, Assi Diallo and Eric Larson, will review data and proposed measures with the IIS communi...

AIRA Discovery Session: Onboarding Shared Services

In collaboration with CDC, AIRA developed the OSS program, which is dedicated to supporting immunization information systems (IIS) in provider onboarding for immunization data exchange. This effort was in large part a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ...

AIRA Discovery Session: Epidemiology Shared Services

This AIRA Discovery Session discusses a new initiative - Epidemiology Shared Services (ESS)! IIS data analysts have unique needs which are dynamic and evolving. AIRA has heard the pain points from the data analyst community and has been working on ways to addr...

AIRA Members and Partners Meeting: January 2022

The AIRA Members and Partners quarterly meeting provides important updates from AIRA and partner organizations. It is a great way to get a high-level overview of the activities going on within the IIS and immunization community

AIRA Discovery Session: Thinking Back, Looking Forward

This session is a review of important resources and initiatives from 2021 and a look forward at what is coming in 2022. The webinar is an opportunity to hear about activities at AIRA and initiatives at the national level that may affect your IIS program.