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AIRA Members and Partners Meeting: October 2023

The AIRA Members and Partners quarterly meeting provides important updates from AIRA and partner organizations. It is a great way to get a high-level overview of the activities going on within the IIS and immunization community

COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Preferred Select Codes, Recommended by SISC

This Standards & Interoperability Steering Committee (SISC) document contains recommendations for eligibility and funding codes for COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Vaccine, as approved by SISC on August 2, 2023.

IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist

The IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist serves as a starting point for staff who are new to an IIS onboarding role and/or are new to interoperability as it relates to immunization messaging

AIRA 2023 National Meeting Closing Plenary

National Meeting Presentation | Closing Plenary (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and discussion.)

AIRA 2023 National Meeting Plenary: AIRA Update & Awards

National Meeting Presentation | Plenary: AIRA Update & Awards (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and discussio...

AIRA 2023 National Meeting Plenary: Measurement & Improvement

National Meeting Presentation | Plenary: Measurement & Improvement (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and disc...

Comparison of Data Sources to Assess School Immunization Law Impact in WA

Comparison of Data Sources to Assess School Immunization Law Impact in WA

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Washington State Department of Health

National Meeting Presentation | Comparison of Data Sources to Assess School Immunization Law Impact in WA (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without th...

COVID-19 Vaccination Status Among MA Residents After Data Exchange with RI

COVID-19 Vaccination Status Among MA Residents After Data Exchange with RI

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Massachusetts Immunization Program

National Meeting Presentation | COVID-19 Vaccination Status Among MA Residents After Data Exchange with RI (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without t...

Designing and Implementing a COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach Program

Designing and Implementing a COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach Program

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Virginia Department of Health

National Meeting Presentation | Designing and Implementing a COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach Program (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the accom...

Impact of Immunization Gateway Data Exchange on Record Completeness in NYC

Impact of Immunization Gateway Data Exchange on Record Completeness in NYC

Issued on May 4, 2023 by New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

National Meeting Presentation | Impact of Immunization Gateway Data Exchange on Record Completeness in NYC (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without t...

Pharmacy Vaccination for COVID-19 Lead to an Uptick in Routine Immunizations

Pharmacy Vaccination for COVID-19 Lead to an Uptick in Routine Immunizations

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Philadelphia Department of Public Health

National Meeting Presentation | Pharmacy Vaccination for COVID-19 Lead to an Uptick in Routine Immunizations (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without...

Programmatic View in Planning and Executing an IIS Infrastructure Upgrade

Programmatic View in Planning and Executing an IIS Infrastructure Upgrade

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Envision Technology Partners, Inc., Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

National Meeting Presentation | Programmatic View in Planning and Executing an IIS Infrastructure Upgrade (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without th...

Public Health Impact of Interjurisdictional Immunization Data Exchange

Public Health Impact of Interjurisdictional Immunization Data Exchange

Issued on May 4, 2023 by CDC/NCIRD/ISD/IDAB, Audacious Inquiry, AIRA

National Meeting Presentation | Public Health Impact of Interjurisdictional Immunization Data Exchange (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the a...

Strategies to Validate Data Entry and Improve Successful Submission to IIS

Strategies to Validate Data Entry and Improve Successful Submission to IIS

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Utah Department of Health

National Meeting Presentation | Strategies to Validate Data Entry and Improve Successful Submission to IIS (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without t...

The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act and Access to Student Information

The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act and Access to Student Information

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Network for Public Health Law

National Meeting Presentation | The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act and Access to Student Information (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without ...

“You Are Overdue”: Data and Outcome Measures from Text Message Programs

“You Are Overdue”: Data and Outcome Measures from Text Message Programs

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Minnesota Department of Health, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Tennessee Immunization Program

National Meeting Presentation | “You Are Overdue”: Data and Outcome Measures from Text Message Programs (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without ...

Data Modernization Initiative (DMI): Impact on IIS

Data Modernization Initiative (DMI): Impact on IIS

Issued on May 4, 2023 by HLN Consulting LLC

National Meeting Presentation | Data Modernization Initiative (DMI): Impact on IIS (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the accompanying oral com...

For You, by You: Create the Building Blocks of Disease Control with CDC

For You, by You: Create the Building Blocks of Disease Control with CDC

Issued on May 4, 2023 by CDC Foundation, CDC/DDPHSS/OD

National Meeting Presentation | For You, by You: Create the Building Blocks of Disease Control with CDC (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the ...

Tracking and Outreach for Improving Data Quality of Mpox Doses in Texas

Tracking and Outreach for Improving Data Quality of Mpox Doses in Texas

Issued on May 4, 2023 by Texas Department of State Health Services

National Meeting Presentation | Tracking and Outreach for Improving Data Quality of Mpox Doses in Texas (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without the ...

A Workforce Development & Management Approach During the COVID-19 Pandemic

National Meeting Presentation | A Workforce Development & Management Approach During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Please note: The presentation slides shared provided an outline of presentations given at the AIRA 2023 National Meeting and are incomplete without t...