Page 1 of 4 | 65 Results

Interoperability Between Post-Acute and Long-Term Care (PALTC) and IIS

Despite the adoption of health information technology among healthcare providers and public health support for standards-based immunization data exchange, there is a lack of interoperability between Post-Acute and Long-Term Care (PALTC) EHRs and IIS. These res...

AIRA Discovery Session: Improving Immunization Data Quality through EHR and IIS Collaboration

During this session, you'll hear about AIRA's recently released resources and guides. Presentation includes: • Immunization Integration Program (IIP) from Sabrina Matlock, American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) • Data Validation Pilot Project...

Journals to Consider for Publication of IIS-Related Projects

Journals to Consider for Publication of IIS-Related Projects

Issued on October 17, 2023 by AIRA

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List of targeted journals compiled by the Publication Project Workgroup (PPW)

AIRA Discovery Session: A Tour of AIRA Resources

During this session, you'll hear about AIRA's recently released resources and guides. Presentation includes: • Education & Training Workforce Needs Assessment from Courtnay Londo, American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) • Provider Onboarding Te...

Data Entry Error Guide Template

Data Entry Error Guide Template

Issued on September 7, 2023 by Immunization Integration Program

This template is intended for use by immunization information systems (IIS) to develop a short list of errors, and ways to avoid them, that may occur when users enter data into their organization’s electronic health record/health information technology (EHR/...

Top Five Strategies for Improving Immunization Data Quality at the Point of Care

Top Five Strategies for Improving Immunization Data Quality at the Point of Care

Issued on September 7, 2023 by Immunization Integration Program

This user-friendly infographic highlights five key strategies and related resources to support improving your immunization data quality and reducing rejections

COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Preferred Select Codes, Recommended by SISC

This Standards & Interoperability Steering Committee (SISC) document contains recommendations for eligibility and funding codes for COVID-19 Bridge Access Program Vaccine, as approved by SISC on August 2, 2023.

IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist

The IIS Orientation to Provider Onboarding: Resources Checklist serves as a starting point for staff who are new to an IIS onboarding role and/or are new to interoperability as it relates to immunization messaging

Guidance on Messaging Preferred Name of Patient

Gender-marginalized individuals face significant barriers to adequate and culturally responsive health care, leading to numerous health disparities. The preferred name is the name that should be used when addressing or referencing the patient. For the purposes...

Guidance on Messaging Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)

Public Health’s mission is to ensure all individuals have fair and equitable access to health care. Many populations experience health disparities, including people from some racial and ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, women, people who are ...

Vaccine Credentials: Context and Working Definitions for IIS

The American Immunization Registry Association has released version 2 of the Vaccine Credentials “Working Guide” that aims to gather and document common terminology and references related to consumer access and vaccine credentials. This guide includes info...

Clinical Trial Data | A Pathway to IIS Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to share considerations and data sharing methods that may be helpful in facilitating the exchange of data between clinical trial sites and their respective jurisdictional IIS

Guidance on Indicating Clinical Trial Vaccines

Vaccination events that occur as part of clinical trial can be reported to IIS under pre-defined circumstances. This guidance document provides an HL7 method to indicate the vaccination event was part of a clinical trial. It also provides additional considerat...

Talking Points for IIS Regarding COVID-19 Data Quality

These talking points are provided as background for IIS in discussing data quality with their state/jurisdiction leadership, their data exchange partners, and their CDC partners

Supporting Providers in Documenting COVID-19 Vaccine Administration

Supporting Providers in Documenting COVID-19 Vaccine Administration

Issued on December 18, 2020 by AIRA

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AIRA recognizes there are unique data elements required for COVID-19 vaccine administration and reporting that will impact IIS and providers in your jurisdictions. We have some “Week One” tips about documenting COVID-19 vaccine administration to both help ...

IIS Validation Measures and Tests for Clinical Decision Support

Final IIS Validation measures and tests for Clinical Decision Support developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW) and approved by the AIRA Board as part of the IIS Measurement and Improvement Initiative

Measures and Tests for Assessment - Clinical Decision Support

Final IIS assessment measures and tests related to Clinical Decision Support. Developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW) as part of the IIS measurement and improvement process

Measures and Tests for Assessment – Data Quality Incoming/Ongoing

Final IIS Assessment measures and tests related to incoming/ongoing data quality developed by the Measurement for Assessment and Certification Workgroup (MACAW) and approved by the AIRA Board as part of the IIS Measurement and Improvement Initiative

AIRA Discovery Session: Business Continuity Planning for IIS Programs

Introduction to the newly released MIROW guide, Business Continuity Planning for Immunization Information Systems Programs